Saturday, September 24, 2011


South Korea is the country of couples. I can't get over the emphasis put on being in a couple and the fact that they're everywhere.... EVERYWHERE. Of course I know the U.S. and anywhere else has plenty of couples but here it seems like there is an overload. The culture is very pro-couple and I think is best demonstrated by the fact that not only do they have Valentines Day, but they have a holiday exactly a month later called White Day. I know in the U.S. Valentines Day is greeted with a mixture of anticipation, dread, happiness, and loathing. In Korea, Valentines Day is the day the woman gives a gift to the man then on White Day the man gives the gift to the woman. I've also be informed that there's actually a couple day on the 14th of every month but those are the two with the most recognition. Except April 14th which is Black Day and apparently the day for singles to couple up.

The most hilarious couple-thing here (well hilarious to me) are the couple outfits. No you did not read that incorrectly, there are actually couple clothes. In certain stores here you can find the same clothes: shirts, pants, shoes etc. made for a man and for a woman. The same exact stuff. It is really common here to see a couple walking down the street wearing matching shirts. Not just complimenting colors - but ligitimately the same shirt. They also do it with shoes, backpacks, and entire outfits. I never fails to make me smile. It's almost like a game "look shoes!" "over there, backpacks with matching keychains!" "look, couples jackets!".

I was talking to a Korean friend of mine about it once because I wanted the Korean perspective, especially the Korean male perspective. He said he didn't like it but a girlfriend might suggest the couples clothes as a way of showing you really care about her. I know some guys here are into it though. I saw one couple who had matching dyed hair - no joke. Anyways, my friend did admit that he had couples shoes from a previous relationship. What I was interested to find out though was if it's acceptable to wear the couples clothes if you break up. I mean, maybe the memories would be too painful but here you have an entire wardrobe. Especially the shoes, like nice Nike sneakers. Do you just throw away a $100 pair of shoes because you're no longer dating? Apparently it can go either way although my friend kept the shoes and does wear them from time to time. I wonder if it would be awkward if you bumped into your ex and you were both wearing your couples shoes...

You are in luck because I was able to snap two pictures of couples clothes. I'm not touristy/awkward enough to take pictures of people walking down the street but I had my camera out at a baseball game and thought I could resonably pretend I was taking a picture of the field if I got asked. (Of course that's a moot point because anything they said would be in Korean and I wouldn't understand). For your enjoyment, couples shirts, and couples shoes:

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